Dette er den officielle app for KIF Kolding, her kan du stemme på Man of the Match, se Kampprogram, tjekke op på spillertruppen mm.
Dette er appen for dig, hvis du gerne vil følge med i hvordan det går for KIF Kolding.
Du kan se spillerne for KIF, og tjekke informationer om hver spiller.
Få svar på "Hvad er det nu han hedder, ham i nummer 8".
Synes du at en KIF spiller gjorde det lige lidt bedre end de andre?
Så stem på ham i Man of the Match afstemningen, som kommer efter hver kamp!
Du kan være med til at vælge hvem fra KIF Kolding, skal vinde Man of the Match.
Alt sammen i én app, alt om KIF Kolding.
KIF Kolding.
This is the official app for KIF Kolding, here you can vote for Man of the Match, see the Kampprogram, check up on the gamer group, etc.
This is the app for you if you would like to follow how KIF Kolding works.
You can see the players for KIF, and check information about each player.
Get answers to "What is he now called him in number 8".
Do you think that a KIF player did it just a little better than the others?
Then vote for him in the Man of the Match poll, which comes after each match!
You can help choose who from KIF Kolding, to win Man of the Match.
All in one app, all about KIF Kolding.
KIF Kolding.